A·V Electronics

Rega Planet 2000 CD Players

sisscv 2010. 4. 22. 22:31




The Planet CD Player improves on the classic Planet in every way with its stunning cosmetics and breathtaking performance. The Planet is the definitive bargain in the audio industry. Its sonics, reliability and innovative design have not been seen or heard before.

The Planet is housed in the Rega custom built extruded aluminium case with the new top loading lid assembly. It uses the same circuit topology as the original Planet but with improvements in the Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC), power supply and coupling capacitors. The DAC is based around the custom built IC40 DAC chip. The Planet uses the same RADS conversion stage as the original Planet and has an extra power supply for the digital section of the DAC. The Planet has a toroidal transformer with separate windings for the display and audio stages. It uses a high performance CDM145BL-5BD25 kit with an improved display and a better level of user functionality.



